4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Boise State beats …

  1. Yellamo

    I’m no legal expert, but I’m thinking that could be considered battery in many jurisdictions. He should be arrested and taught a lesson. Especially with his antics towards the stands!!

    That player should be suspended immediately and for the rest of the season. He could have caused some serious harm there.

    If you can take the loss, then don’t play the game. But then, that’s your typical thug in sports today.

  2. NonSocialist

    Blount was completely wrong to punch the guy and certainly deserves a suspension, but Hout did instigate it, deserved to be decked, and should get some sort of punishment from the NCAA as well. i love how most of the websites showing a video are only showing a clip that begins coverage of the incident AFTER the taunting, so it looks like Hout was just walking by Blount when Blount decided he wanted to punch someone.

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Don’t you think that someone that calls themself a non-socialist is really a socialist and won’t admit it? That’s what Glenn Beck says anyway.

    Yes, the clips of the punch should include the taunting as well, if for no other reason than to justify our cheers at the footage. Wham! and he goes down like a ton of potatoes. That could be the best highlight of the season right there.

  4. David K.

    Are you kidding me?? He DESERVED to be sucker punched?!?! What kind of Neanderthal are you? First you have no clue as to what he said so to assert as fact that it must have been what you think it was is asinine. Second trash talking is part of the game but sucker punching a guy cause you don’t like what he said? That’s like saying “yeah he shouldn’t have sexually harrased that girl bit she deserved it cause of what she was wearing. Pathetic, just pathetic.

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