1 thought on “Twitter: Efforts to keep …

  1. AMLTrojan

    As someone who did a Washington Semester program at American University the fall of 9/11, and had a professor who stubbornly stuck to CFR as the main topic of the semester vs. war and terrorism, all I can say to this observation is: Amen!

    And frankly, the Democrats should wise up here as well. Wouldn’t they much rather have labor and Soros write $100M checks to their favored candidates, rather than have Obama and various senators and congressmen running around trying to drum up campaign donations at $2000 increments? I’d much rather the spin be, “President Obama, brought to you by George Soros, SEIU, and AFSCME, vs. Republican nominee Sarah Palin, brought to you by Big Pharma and the US Chamber of Commerce”. As it is, all the big money has to flow on the outskirts of the system and stay distant from the actual campaigns and their accompanying message strategy. It’s a totally retarded system.

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