7 thoughts on “Twitter: NRO’s @kathrynlopez: “Reclaiming …

  1. David K.

    You mean ideas like we shouldn’t let people die when we can cure them so megacorps can make a few more bucks?

    Or we shouldn’t allow our financial institutions to shit-can our economy with reckless abandon so megacorps and ceos can make a few more bucks?

    Or we shouldn’t act like a Soviet nation and demand citizens carry papers on them at all times if they want to go anywhere?

    Or we shouldn’t reward corporations for outsourcing work to other countries with tax breaks and incentives?

    Or we should invest in non-fossil fuel energy research so we don’t have to get mired down in wars in the middle east?

    Or we should be careful about all the crap we spew into the air so we don’t ireperrably alter our climate in troubling ways?

    Or we should place our trust in mounds of evidence supporting said climate troubles, instead of the few uncredible or questionable sources who claim its not true?

    Seriously, I could keep going, but whats the point, you’ll never agree with it unless Glenn Beck says you can.

  2. Joe Mama

    OMG! Conservatives are reclaiming on Nov. 2 what liberals took back in 2006-08, which conservatives took back previously in 2000, which liberals had earlier reclaimed in 1992 …

  3. Alasdair

    davidkianissimus #3 … at the risk of countering your hyperbole with actual factual problems from *your* heroes … Google them …

    Shalala deaths – avoidable by methods established to be effective, required by Cabinet member Donna Shalala … which megacorp benefited from her works ?

    The current economy and skyrocketing deficits – that’s OK since the Unions got the benefits ?

    ID papers for specific purposes/like Soviet nation/Bad – confiscating the products of others efforts to give them to favoured groups/like Politburo decisions/Good … WTF ?

    Your example – Bad … State and Federal tax policies leading to companies moving jobs, factories, operations overseas – Good … WTF ?

    Invest in non-fossil fule research Good … invest in proven technology aka nuclear Bad … AMLTrojan’s #5 is 5 for 5 so far …

    So CO2 levels in the 500s is catastrophic (even though historical levels of 2000+ have been documented to be periods of great Life on this planet) … 6 for 6 …

    The “mounds of evidence” have been found to be man-made pollution of a different sort …

    If Beck or Media Matters agree with us, so what ? We can do our own researches and find very good reasons to distrust the Cult of Global Warming … we can see how the French have succeeded for decades with Nuclear Power plants, and without having all French cheese glowing i the dark enough to read by …

    So – consider yourself refudiated by someone you will consistently misunderestimate …

  4. gahrie

    What’s the American Idea, then, gahrie? Anything you believe, right?

    Hard work
    self reliance
    self discipline
    respect for others
    limited government
    free markets

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