8 thoughts on “Twitter: BREAKING: I’m not …

  1. Joe Loy

    Tell me about it. ;>

    So you’re officially Pushing 30, so what? Soon enough you’ll be Pulling it. 🙂 Anyhow, you’re always the Young Padawan at heart. Happy Birthday!

  2. JD

    Finally, a real reason to #PANIC. If it helps, I’m right there along with you.

    “I don’t remember growing older…when did they?”

  3. Alasdair

    Doc #3 – that is why you want to start such discussions, in excruciating detail, while still young enough to be considered young … *then*, when we actually get older, no-one realises we crossed that line …

  4. gahrie

    Anyone seen North Dallas Forty? I realized I was getting old when I noticed that every morning getting out of bed I sounded like Nick Nolte’s character in the beginning of that movie……

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