12 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @davidfrum: What …

  1. Brendan Loy

    What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home?

  2. AMLTrojan

    Yeah, cuz Crist and Murkowski were anything but egotistical self-promoting politicians who’d change their positions at the drop of the hat to gain a vote.

    [rolls eyes]

    There are a handful of Republican politicians that I’d cut some slack for if they wanted to run as an independent because a traditional primary would weed them out, but Murkowski and Crist are not among them.

  3. David K.

    What if you could travel to parallel worlds? The same year, the same Earth, only different dimensions? A world where the Russians ruled America? Or where your dreams of being a superstar came true? Or where San Francisco was a maximum security prison?

  4. kcatnd

    What if we could visit one of a bajillion universes in which we bomb Mecca with a satellite laser gun nuclear flux capacitor just to see how that plays out from a game theory perspective? EARTH – it’s a WAR!!!

  5. dcl

    In other news, Angry Birds is made of win… just saying… plan on getting nothing done the rest of the night after download… just saying…

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