7 thoughts on “Twitter: Wow. #frogPANIC! RT …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Figured it would happen, but not this soon.

    Huh? Here’s what you said on November 8:

    Right, but this isn’t going to happen, because “Mid-Major Team A” is going to be TCU, in the sense that the WILL be ahead of Boise in the AP (they already are, pretty solidly, and there’s no reason to believe half the voters will change their minds based on Boise beating Nevada), and yet TCU is NOT going to end up #3 or #4 in the BCS while Boise rises to #1 or #2, because the coaches and Harris voters aren’t going to have a magical change of heart about Boise vs. TCU any more than the AP voters are, and Boise’s eventual computer edge over TCU (per Jerry Palm) isn’t going to be huge, so it just isn’t going to be able to overcome the poll gap….. unless things get really really chaotic with voting patterns, as in my “clusterf***” at the top” scenario, in which case, who knows. …I’m confident that TCU is going to be ahead of Boise across the board….

    So in less than a week, you went from cocksure that TCU would stay ahead of Boise State, to saying that you “figured” TCU would drop below Boise State again.

    I’m confused.

  2. kcatnd

    You shouldn’t be confused. Steward Mandel said “Figured it would happen, but not this soon.” – not Brendan.

  3. Brendan Loy

    What kcatnd said.

    My only commentary was “Wow. #frogPANIC!” Everything after the RT is Mandel. “Wow” is, I think you’ll agree, consistent with my previous sentiments.

    (That said, given what Notre Dame did to Utah, I’m not totally stunned by this. My previous sentiments were based on the idea that there wasn’t much that could realistically happen to change voters’ impressions of these teams. That was obviously incorrect. I thought Utah might lose to the Irish, given that they were coming off a bye week & it was senior day, etc., while Utah was coming off the punishing TCU game. But I never anticipated Notre Dame crushing Utah. The manner in which they won essentially made them TCU’s James Madison, totally destroying the previous week’s quality win.)

  4. AMLTrojan

    Yes, mea culpa, I misread the hashtags / RT. But in any case, I think you’re still ignoring the degree to which the pollsters this year have been fickle and/or willing to readjust their opinions on a week-to-week basis. The CW about pollsters leaving teams in order and just moving them up if someone ahead loses, has been completely overturned this year.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Yeah, that CW has been increasingly incorrect over the years, especially with regard to the AP poll. As I wrote last year, college football’s voters are getting smarter (and fairer).

    That said, the reason I thought TCU would stay ahead of Boise was that I didn’t think there was much Boise could do to change pollsters’ minds — not that I felt pollsters were incapable of changing their minds. I didn’t factor in the possibility of TCU’s Utah win being so seriously degraded, though.

  6. AMLTrojan

    Well, when your call to fame is an impenetrable D, and you nearly choke away a game at home to an unranked Aztec team, that certainly doesn’t help either.

    Yes, I know SDSU is a decent team and the pollsters have been very slow to recognize that, but the principle still holds.

  7. AMLTrojan

    Btw, just for consistency / appropriate usage, I think you should tweet something along the lines of, “Just found out the new executive chef at my favorite restaurant is French. #frogPANIC!”

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