Best. Friday. Ever.

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Football-wise, at least. Stewart Mandel explains:

Please tell all those economic experts who chart stuff not to freak out if America’s spending is down this Black Friday. A whole lot of folks are going to be inside, glued to the tube.

When the television schedules were set last summer, no one could have predicted that the nation’s top three teams would all be playing the Friday after Thanksgiving, all against formidable foes. Forget fighting crowds at the mall. Sit back and enjoy one heck of a triple-header: No. 2 Auburn at No. 9 Alabama at 2:30 p.m. ET, followed by No. 20 Arizona at No. 1 Oregon at 7 p.m. and No. 3 Boise State at No. 19 Nevada at 10:15 p.m.

Can’t wait. [Bumped. -ed.]

6 thoughts on “Best. Friday. Ever.

  1. kcatnd

    Does anyone know where that whole thing started? I think it was a review of a Simpson’s episode that had “Worst. Episode. Ever.” in it, and then the show, in turn, poked fun at it, with Comic Book Guy saying “Worst. ____. Ever.” or something.

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