DU-Portland liveblog & BALLY CAM!!! (plus ND-Gonzaga, Heisman ceremony)

Although college football’s regular season is over (*sniff*), It’s going to be another busy Saturday afternoon/evening of sports here at The Living Room Times and Pioneer Pulse, with the Denver-Portland game at 4:00 PM Mountain Time, followed by the Heisman Trophy ceremony from 6-7, and a favorite team vs. alma mater battle, Gonzaga-Notre Dame, starting at 6:30. All three will be live-tweeted here. Plus… BALLY CAM!!!!

Anyway, the liveblog is powered by Cover It Live. It will display all of my tweets and Becky’s tweets, and also tweets by Heisman Pundit, Stiff Arm Trophy, La Revolucion, The Slipper Still Fits, Notre Dame Athletics, The Mid Majority, and perhaps others who I’ll add as the day goes on.

And you, too, can join in the conversation! Just tweet something “@brendanloy,” and it’ll appear below. If you like, you can do this using the reply window at the bottom of this post. (NOTE: After the first tweet, you will need to retype “@brendanloy” in the window for each subsequent tweet.)

[tweet reply-box removed because event is now over]

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