Community service == facism???

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Ladies and gentlemen I have some bad news for you. All that good stuff you have been doing? Volunteering in your community? Picking up trash, working in community gardens, putting together care packages for victims of hurricanes or members of our military? Without knowing it you have apparently been feeding the beast of facism!

Well, according to Rush Limbaugh anyway.

Thats right, the de-facto leader of the Republican Party is attacking President Obama’s call for 9/11 to be a day of rememberence and community service as a step towards facism. Nevermind that President Bush called for American’s to do the same thing on 9/11 during his time as President. This hypocritical blowhard seems to think that helping your community and country in honor and commemoration of the hundreds of police, firefighters, and others did just that, many losing their lives, is somehow anti-American.

Oh, but it gets better. In that same right-wing rant he also attacked the President for not being in New York for the anniversary on Friday. Where was Obama you ask? He was at the Pentagon, which in case Rush missed it was ALSO part of the 9/11 attack. Vice President Joe Bidden was in New York that day.

It would be one thing if this were some fringe nutjob, but he’s the single most powerful voice for the GOP right now, so powerful that the GOP Chairman had to APOLOGIZE to him when he dared to criticize Limbaugh. If the conservatives in this country are serious about wanting whats best for America they would do well to denounce this blowhard and start looking for some real leadership. What they have right now is disgusting.