5 thoughts on ““I was actually black before the election”

  1. gahrie

    Why wouldn’t Pres. Obama go on Fox News Sunday?

    What would the reaction have been if Pres. Bush and his administration had boycotted CNN or NBC, both of which were at least as hostile to him as Fox is to Pres. Obama?

  2. Brendan Loy Post author

    President Bush routinely chose friendly journalists (like Brit Hume) for his interviews. That’s not outrageous, it’s just the way of the world. Bush isn’t going to sit down with Keith Olbermann and Obama isn’t going to sit down with Glenn Beck. Furthermore, it’s ridiculous to claim that Obama is “boycotting” Fox News. Just because he’s going on a bunch of Sunday news shows — something I’ve seen conservatives mocking and scorning as “overexposure,” by the way, but I guess they don’t perceive any inconsistency between that making line of criticism and simultaneously saying “you didn’t go on ENOUGH shows” — doesn’t mean he’s obligated to go on every single one.

    This sort of silly, petty critique makes more legitimate criticisms of Obama & the MSM seem less reasonable than they actually sometimes are.

  3. gahrie

    Pres. Obama went on every Sunday Morning News show (and Letterman) EXCEPT Fox.

    It’s not like he went on a couple, and ignored the rest. Indeed that is understandable. Frankly I would have preferred he didn’t go on ANY of them.

    “Bush isn’t going to sit down with Keith Olbermann and Obama isn’t going to sit down with Glenn Beck.”

    That is a strawman, and you know it. Chris Wallace at Fox TV is not the same thing as Glenn Beck at FOX News. And for the record, Pres. Bush was regularly interviewed by NBC even while Olbermann was making vile attacks on him at MSNBC.

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