6 thoughts on “Twitter: Irish win in …

  1. gahrie

    Watching Lou Holtz on ESPN talking about the game…….the man is still a huge ND homer…someone needs to let him know it’s killing his credibility….

  2. Jazz

    This may have been the worst possible outcome for ND. Ideal would be to defeat UW decisively, the way Notre Dame should at home. Next best would be to lose and be one step closer to jettisoning the hopeless yak Weis.

    Worst of all must be winning Weis-ugly, which is to say looking uber-talented but woefully under-prepared – as this outcome makes it that much harder for ND to dump this latest iteration of head coaching ballast while the team is winning (even if the team is winning on heart and native talent, potentially not preparation).

  3. Jazz

    My high school football team used to have a tradition where the coach would shout a particular rallying cry in the locker room after each win, and then the team would celebrate raucously for several minutes. One year, we were undefeated and highly ranked in the state, going into the final regular season game, against a non-conference school that was much inferior to us.

    We were probably looking ahead to a likely first round playoff game against one of our rivals, but we stunk in that last game of the season. We still managed to win, really just because we were the better team, but you’d’ve hardly known that during the game. In the locker room, the coach said his ritual post-win rallying cry, and the team cheered for maybe a second, at which point the coach shrieked,

    “Now shut the f*** up!!!” and then proceeded to shred us for what seemed an eternity for our crap performance that night.

    I was thinking about that while watching the ritual singing of the alma mater after today’s game, while Mountain Man Weis and his Mountain of a Son were swaying back and forth (seismically) with faraway nostalgia in their eyes, as they serenaded the greatness of Notre Dame.

    Under the circumstances, that scene should scare the crap out of ND Nation. Weis is just a terrible, terrible head coach.

  4. David K.

    B. Minich, the problem is the USC win is somewhat conflicting for me as I am a Trojan too, Husky first, sure but Trojan too. I’d rather we beat the Irish and lost to USC than the other way around frankly.

    Of course except for the replay thing we did win…

    Congrats to both the Husky and Irish d-lines. Forcing the field goals on those short plays was incredible for both teams. Also, I hate Golden Tate’s lame name, but he is a hell of a player.

    Can’t wait to see SC crush the Irish next week 🙂

  5. Jazz

    Re that replay:

    Back when replay was re-instituted in the NFL, the theory was that it would prevent grevious refereeing errors from deciding the outcomes of games. I can’t recall the details, but there was a Jets game several years ago, decided by a late “touchdown”, where the QB’s helmet crossed the plane but the ball was nowhere close. That play got the Jets to the playoffs, and the prevention of stuff like that was supposed to be the basis for replay.

    So when the ref goes under the hood, he’s supposed to have the mentality, “Did we make a grevious mistake?”. In the vast majority of cases this should take a few seconds. Human nature being what it is, the refs WAY TOO OFTEN use the opportunity to re-call the play, which is what happened in the Wash/ND game – and happens all the time.

    With all the excitement at the end of a dramatic game, it might be hard to get fallible humans to keep their objective in mind at the replay booth. That said, it seems like officials – or those who monitor officials – should have been much clearer about what the replay is there for.

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