5 thoughts on “Twitter: Hoooooly crap.

  1. Yellamo

    Wow. Complete bullshit. It took them 5 minutes to overturn an obvious fumble by USC in the first half and less than a minute to review the obvious TD?!!??

  2. Brendan Loy

    Obvious non-TD?

    He was clearly out of bounds by the time he had possession. Not even debatable. If the call on the field had been a touchdown, it would have been reversible error. The video was indisputable evidence that it was a non-TD.

  3. Brendan Loy

    Since, on my viewing, that play wasn’t even remotely controversial (and I haven’t seen any buzz about the call on Facebook or Twitter), but you see it otherwise, I googled around a bit to see what others are saying. Turns out Gregg Doyel disagrees with me, but also with you:

    After making every single call they could make to help the Irish down the stretch, game officials made the biggest call of the game against Notre Dame — ruling Rudolph out of bounds. And the replay wasn’t conclusive enough to change it.

    Had officials ruled him inbounds, the replay wouldn’t have been conclusive enough to change that, either. The play was that close.

    Looked pretty conclusive to me, but regardless, it CERTAINLY was not an “obvious TD.” That’s pure homerism talking. The most you can possibly claim is what Doyel says, that it was a very close call that could’ve gone either way.

    Regardless, as Doyel points out, an awful lot of calls went ND’s way, including the total bullshit “excessive celebration” that kept alive the drive leading to the awesome Clausen-to-Tate touchdown. (On the very next drive, an ND player did the exact same thing as the penalized USC player — pumping his arms after a tackle — and wasn’t called for anything. As it should be.) Not to mention the “late hit” against a player who was STILL IN BOUNDS. And there were several other such calls. Now, I’m not complaining… I think ND earned its points, earned its comeback, earned its near-win. You’ll never hear me say otherwise. But don’t you dare try to blame the loss on the refs. That’s fucking absurd.

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