2 thoughts on “Twitter: Predicted new AP …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Georgia Tech should jump to the #11-13 range. I’m thinking #11 GaTech, #12 VaTech, #13 Oregon, #14 Penn State, #15 Ohio State, but those could really be in any order.

    More interesting is what happens at the bottom of the rankings. Six teams ranked between #15 and #25 lost: Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Florida, South Carolina, Notre Dame. (That six could become seven, but it doesn’t look like it right now: #16 Oklahoma State leads Missouri 27-17 in the fourth quarter.)

    All six of those teams would be expected to fall out of the rankings. But who will replace them? Last week’s “others receiving votes” were:

    Pittsburgh 58, Auburn 55, West Virginia 46, Mississippi 28, Wisconsin 27, Missouri 25, Arkansas 16, Central Michigan 6, Arizona 5, Michigan 5, Oregon State 2, Navy 1, Idaho 1, Stanford 1, Texas Tech 1

    Auburn, Wisconsin and Arkansas all lost. (Admittedly, the Razorbacks lost in a way that probably made people more, not less, impressed with them… but the fact remains, they’re now 3-3, 1-3 in conference. So it’s hard to justify ranking them. Especially when last week’s win over Auburn now looks less impressive, what with Auburn losing to Kentucky.) Stanford also lost (to Arizona). And, if Okie State wins, that’ll mean Missouri lost too.

    Pittsburgh and West Virginia will certainly be ranked, just by attrition. Probably Ole Miss, too. But… who else? Arizona may well crack the Top 25, thanks to its win over Stanford and the carnage above them. Texas Tech, perhaps, earns a spot by soundly beating Nebraska. And… Michigan? Oregon State? Central Michigan?!? Navy?!? Idaho?!? Or do some of this week’s #15-25 teams who lost remain ranked? I can’t see keeping 3-3 OU in the rankings… but maybe Kansas or South Florida, who only have one loss, cling to #25? Or maybe ND stays put, because they came so close to beating USC? I doubt it — but they’ll probably be closer than you might expect to the top of the “others receiving votes.”

    Of course, the AP doesn’t count toward the BCS, so I suppose I’m wasting my time analyzing it, but it tends to be the more rational of the polls, so I prefer looking at it than reading the tea leaves and trying to guess what the idiot coaches will do.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Hey, I was exactly right, #1-11 (except for my Florida/Alabam waffling). w00t w00t.

    Surprised they kept Oklahoma in the Top 25 at 3-3. South Carolina, Kansas also still ranked. ND first in others receiving votes.

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