8 thoughts on “Twitter: Iowa wins, 15-13… …

  1. JD

    Iowa State wins AT NEBRASKA for the first time since 1977, and the Hawkeyes STILL manage to upstage us.


    The Big Ten is a WAR!

  2. B. Minich

    Hey, why can’t the Big Eleven be a WAR!!!, huh?

    I mean, struggling with mediocre teams and then claiming its because everyone in your conference is awesome? Sure, why not!!!!

  3. kcatnd

    You just don’t understand. When you’re playing against NFL defenses every week in the SEC, it doesn’t matter how good you are! Every team is bound to lose at least twice in that kind of competitive pressure cooker. Plus, Ohio State lost twice in the national championship to SEC SPEED!!!!!!1!


  4. B. Minich

    I wonder where they keep that SEC speed. Perhaps an intrepid fellowship of Big Eleven students can get together in a council, and then find and destroy this foul Ring of SEC Power, obviously forged by the Dark Lord Spurrier in the fires of the Smokey Mountains (ever wondered WHY they were Smokey? HUH?!?!? ITS BECAUSE THE DARK LORD HAD ARISEN!!!).

    If the Smokeys belch forth in Smoke again, watch out! The Dark Lord Spurrier will have arisen in full power again! I mean, its obvious he lost the Ring several years ago – why else did he struggle in the NFL and and the other USC?

    It all makes sense now. And the conclusion is . . . my mind works in a very weird way. Where the heck did THAT come from, anyway?

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