Whither Maine?

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Maine is the devil you know
Maine is the heaven below
Maine, at the top of the chart
Has crushed my evil heart

John Linnell

Andrew Sullivan appears to be conceding defeat on the gay marriage amendment in Maine, but Doug Mataconis says it’s still “way too close to call.” With 69 percent of the precincts reporting, the tally is 51.8% to 48.2% in favor of repealing the state’s law allowing gay marriage.

We’ll see. I’m not terribly optimistic for a massive late surge, and am thinking that the final numbers may be distressingly close to my 51.3% to 48.7% prediction. I was hoping to be wrong, obviously. But I’m not going to stay up any later waiting to find out whether I am. Time for bed. G’nite all. Thanks for the memories, Twitter.

(Seriously: this election night was an overwhelmingly Twitter-centric experience for me. Is this the wave of the future? Or at least a preview of how I’ll follow Midterm Election Night 2010 in real time? Election-night live-tweeting makes election-night live-blogging seem so 12 months ago.)

5 thoughts on “Whither Maine?

  1. pthread

    Yeah, I’m quite surprised how close you turned out to be. That’s rather unfortunate, but oh well, what can you do.

    As somebody I know put it, “I guess we just have to wait for some more old people to die.”

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  3. Sandy Underpants

    In America you can strip a minority group of people of their civil rights with a 2% margin of the vote? I hope they put slavery on the ballot for Muslims next election. I can’t wait to own somebody and make them do all the crap I hate doing like wash my car and go to the damn gas station for me.

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