4 thoughts on “Twitter: Drudge’s top story: …

  1. gahrie

    The conventional wisdom (or religious dogma) is that the earth is constantly warming, so a warmest month isn’t news (it is “supposed” to be happening), while a coldest month that challenges the “accepted wisdom” is.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Except, that’s not the “accepted wisdom” at all, outside of the fevered imaginations of ideologically blinded fools on both sides. No legitimate scientist believes ANYTHING about weather or climate is “constant.” One-off events prove nothing about long-term trends. Never have, never will.

    I know what you’ll say. Al Gore started it. Blah, blah, blah. But it seems to me, from my own observations, that the Right has long ago surpassed the Left in the contest to see who can more illegitimately, irrationally, dishonestly use cherrypicked weather events to make points about climate. You’re way past the point where you can say “they do it, too.” You guys are the prime offenders now.

    OMG IT WAS COLD IN OCTOBER!!! (Yeah, and it was warm in September.) OMG IT’S COLD IN MINNESOTA!!! (It’s always cold somewhere, and warm somewhere else. We call this “weather.”) OMG WTF WHERE ARE THE HURRICANES?!? (In the Pacific, because it’s an El Niño year.)

    There is no defense of this nonsensical bullshit. If you defend it, you deserve to be utterly ignored.

  3. Mike Marchand

    Much of what you call the Right’s “cherrypicking” of data is in fact nothing more than a mocking of what Al Gore/the Left has done for years. In the ’70s, the ecological movement analyzed the data of recent years only and concluded the world was inexorably headed to a new Ice Age. In the ’90s, they reached the opposite conclusion after what obviously couldn’t have been more than two decades of number-crunching. But from there they extrapolate to the end of the century and beyond.

    It’s ridiculous. Have any of their predictions been right? 2005’s hurricane season was supposed to be the new normal; it wasn’t. The earth should be getting dramatically warmer; it’s not. Tokyo pitched itself to the IOC as the best candidate for the 2016 Games based on how green they could make it because the disastrous effects of global warming may make it the last Olympics ever; is there anyone on the planet who believes this? (Probably the same people who thought The Day After Tomorrow was scientifically accurate.) At any rate, that was too wacky for the IOC.

    So when we point out things like “third coldest October on record,” it’s not to make a scholarly argument refuting climate change. We’re not trying to be Lord Monckton; we’re trying to be Nelson Muntz.

  4. pthread

    Much of what you call the Right’s “cherrypicking” of data is in fact nothing more than a mocking of what Al Gore/the Left has done for years.

    Oh?! It’s all brilliant satire, and the joke has just gone over our heads! I get it now!

    It’s ridiculous. Have any of their predictions been right?

    Well wait, gee… is this more of the joke, or is this you trying to make an argument with what you just claimed was a joke?

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