12 thoughts on “Twitter: NASA: There’s water …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    If they could put a man on the moon, why would it take an additonal 40 years to figure out if there’s any water there? I mean why not just have one of the dozens of astronauts just dig a hole? Oh well, that’s just crazy talk I guess.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Not crazy, just idiotic, since it takes something simple and obvious (they didn’t land in the types of places where you’d be liable to find water) and turns it into OMG IT’S A CONSPIRACY, THE MOON LANDING WAS FAKED BY OUR MUSLIM KENYAN PRESIDENT AND SARAH PALIN’S SECRET GRANDDAUGHTER.

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Why not just land on the places that you think there’s water? There’s nothing that was done 40 years ago that isn’t a million times easier to do again today, except land on the moon, which no other country has EVER been able to do. Except America of course.

  4. B. Minich

    Ummmmm, you know, we landed on the MOON. I think that was accomplishment enough. That was the point.

    And remember, it took years to get to the moon landing. And then we tore down all the stuff that allowed us to travel to the moon, and have had to rebuild it. And it ISN’T a million times easier to go to the moon today. The problems are the same, and we haven’t actually advanced past where we were 40 years ago in rocket propulsion (we haven’t had to, we traded a long distance vehicle for a short distance one). So basically, it is just as hard to go to the moon today as it was 40 years ago, except we’ll have better on board computers.

  5. Brendan Loy


    Oops, sorry, got a little off track there. 🙂

  6. David K.

    Sandy won’t believe we landed on the moon til someone goes to the moon, picks up a moon rock, brings it back and cracks it over his thick skull. Even then he will probably say its a hoax.

  7. Joe Loy

    “OMG! But let’s bomb it again, just to be sure.”

    Hell Yeah. / And after that let’s Can this Candyassed Jurytrial plan & just send KSM up there & MoonWaterboard him. / And his treasonous Defense attorneys. / And his Little Dog Too. ;>

  8. Sandy Underpants

    We tore down all the stuff to go back to the moon? That’s a new one. I always thought technology improved not the other way around. We launch better rockets with the space shuttle attached to it into space all the time, which is a much larger and better space vehicle than the little Popcorn popper that took Buzz Aldren to the moon (allegedly). After the Wright Brothers flew their first plane how long was it before the airplane caught on? How about Edison and that light bulb? How about the bullet train? How about satellites in space?

    It’s completely preposterous to believe we went to the Moon 40 years ago and no other country could duplicate our technology (from 40 years ago!!!!) and improve it to say the least, but to atleast land on the moon. I mean they’re F’ing cloning mammals and custom making cats, I think if Humans can create life without conventional reproductive methods, they ought to be able to land on the moon fairly easily, ESPECIALLY since America landed on the moon 40 freakin years ago (allegedly).

  9. David K.

    So we have established that Sandy has no grasp of the following subjects:
    anything else?

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