16 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Trojan vandals paint …

  1. B. Minich

    They need people to guard it. PSU has guards at the Lion Shrine for homecoming, thanks to Syracuse dumping orange paint on it years ago, back when the two schools played all the time. Sue Paterno started it.

  2. Sandy Underpants

    I just came to this site to ask you to post a pic of this, after reading a Daily News article about it with no pic. I should’ve figured you would have been ahead of the game. Awesome. This is the first time that I can remember in my lifetime that either mascot has been successful “hit”. I only had heard stories about such glory in years past, during a time before each statue was wrapped in that protective wrap the week before.

  3. David K.

    B. Minich – I was actually under the impression that they DID have people who are supposed to stand gaurd, based on the fact that we did at USC (and Tommy Trojan was wrapped in sheets and duct tape for extra protection), but I geuss i was wrong?

  4. David K.

    Also, its unfortunate they chose to use an oil based paint and not a water based one.


  5. Doc

    Sandy again proves that he’s about as smart as the average Bruin.

    That statue was put up about twenty years ago, and painted, not once, but three times during its first Spirit Week.

    Some folks never learn.

  6. Sandy Underpants


    I’m as smart as a Bruin? You must have the reading comprehension of a high school drop out. I won’t allow the dignity of simply asking you to re-read my post, but rather quote myself so people can see what a dildo you are:

    “I only had heard stories about such glory in years past, during a time before each statue was wrapped in that protective wrap the week before.”

    Ask your mom to read this post to you if you still don’t get it.

    Some folks are plain imbeciles.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. dcl

    I recall them using wood to protect the little bear cub in years past. Just goes to show, save a penny lose a pound… or you get what you pay for in security. Seriously, a tarp?

  8. Doc

    Maybe I should just ask your mom.

    You seem to have mastered cut and paste, but you missed a bit: “This is the first time that I can remember in my lifetime that either mascot has been successful “hit”.” Are you feeble-minded or merely callow?

    I do, however, feel that an apology is in order. Dear Bruins, Sorry I compared you to that mouthbreather Sandy. Rivalry or not, that crosses a line, and I hope you will accept my apology.

  9. dcl

    Doc, I don’t think this issue has as much to do with intelligence as it does age. All the pranks and so forth that happened leading up to the fucla game while I was at USC were pretty lame. And this is the first major action I’ve heard of since I graduated. Which does indeed place all the great pranks of the past squarely in the stuff of legend category as those of us not in a retirement community lack any direct experience of those great pranks of the past. That said, I really don’t see how this entire thread has anything to do with intelligence.

  10. Sandy Underpants

    dcl, Doc is an idiot with a low level reading comprehension. That’s what this thread has to do with intelligence. Other than that, your explanation was concise and Doc should not have to ask his mom for additional help. I hope.

  11. David K.

    Sandy, you believe the moon landing was faked. You have no right to call anyone an idiot, let alone Doc who has contributed intelligently to conversations in the past.

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