4 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @cnnbrk Obama …

  1. Jazz

    3 years? Do you think he means literally on December 1st, 2012? Roughly a month after he wins his lame duck Presidential term?

    Oh. I see.

  2. Jazz

    Crap. I really admire Obama, really want him to succeed, but damn – during this speech, he sounds like a guy doing a book report on what it’s like to be President. “People are worried about the economy…” “…I used a good decision process…” “…This is theoretically the right thing to do…”

    Those soldiers all have a way shittier look on their face than any plebe ever should in an audience with the President. You can read their minds “Guy’s preening about his ability to pronounce South Waziristan, and I’m gonna go back to that hellhole at least twice…maybe three times…”

  3. dcl

    Unfortunately it is necessary to introduce at least some stability to the region before we can actually successfully pull out. We learned this when we played last one to leave turn out the lights when we left Vietnam…

  4. Sandy Underpants

    There will never be stability in a gutter country like Afghanistan, “bringing democracy” to that country is like giving a college education to a monkey. Everyone in the military TODAY should fight for their country by refusing to deploy to Afghanistan (or Iraq).

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