3 thoughts on “Twitter: I just realized: …

  1. David K.

    Thats a somewhat odd date for a high school reunion. I suppose on the one hand there is the thinking that people will be in town for the Holidays, but alot of people won’t be able to make it specifically BECAUSE its the day after Christmas.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Indeed. I’m actually flying from Arizona to Connecticut on a red-eye, ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT, after spending Christmas Day with the Zak/Hammerschmidt side of the family in Phoenix, so that I can go to the reunion (and see my parents for the holidays). But I’m bizarrely committed to going. A lot of folks won’t be able to make it because of the timing. (Then again, they’ve apparently sold over 100 tickets, so a fair number will be there.)

    I wish they’d had it over Thanksgiving, as originally planned (in which case I might have been able to take the whole family), or else sometime in the summer, when the weather in Connecticut is, y’know, actually nice, and it’s easier & cheaper to travel.

  3. David K.

    Yeah really. Ours was in September (the 11th eerily enough). I think just about everyone who would have gone was there.

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