4 thoughts on “Twitter: How @uscpsycho feels …

  1. David K.

    Steven Sample could cement his legacy as the greatest president in USC history by firing Garrett and getting Pete Carroll to stay. Not saying it will happen, but damn awesome if it did.

  2. Sandy Underpants

    Is Pete going to be the first NFL HC/President in history? I’ve never heard of such a thing where the HC is the president of the team. Hopefully Al Davis doesn’t get wind of this or else he’ll be the Raiders next HC (and then of course he will fire himself next December). Agreed that SC should offer to get rid of Garrett to keep Pete. Heck, offer Pete the AD and President’s job as well if it helps boost his ego enough to stay.

  3. David K.

    Sandy, Mike Holmgren was the head coach/gm/president whatever. He had a ton of power for awhile with the Seahwaks, and i don’t think its the first time such a situation has happened. The fact that they are talking down how much control he will have over personell makes me wonder even more why he would do it.

  4. Sandy Underpants

    I’m not much of an NFL fan, but HC/President sounded pretty unique. Holmgren did a fair job in that role with his Superbowl XL win over Pittsburgh, I hope Pete can bring that Lombardi Trophy back to Southern Cal where it will sit proudly on display in Heritage Hall.

    And yeah, I know the referees took the Seahawks Superbowl championship away from them. But that’s just for the history books, anyone that saw that game knows who the better team was that day.

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