4 thoughts on “Twitter: From a Notre …

  1. Jazz

    Its hard to say for sure, because when you’re a fan you forgive a lot of things an outsider wouldn’t, but I think if I rooted for the Trojans, this story, with its over-the-top, inappropriate rah rah Trojan-cheese, would embarrass me.

    And now that turd is my school’s head coach. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful force, but it’s going to have to work overtime for Trojan football fans to embrace Kiffin.

  2. Jazz

    BTW – no comments from this blog on the impacts of all this on the Boise State 2010 title hopes? I see two potential benefits for Boise State

    1) If Kiffin is the crappy, immature coach that Al Davis thinks he is, he will likely drag the uber-talented Trojans down with him (for awhile). This opens the door for other Pac-10 teams to step up, which could be any of several, one of which is Oregon State. This helps Boise if they beat Oregon State, as has been discussed here before.

    2) From the Tennessee side, there’s talk of them hiring someone like Will Muschamp at Texas. Seems like a pretty solid coach, not one of those famous name guys, might be one of those high quality assistants like Mike Smith for the Falcons, who just wins as a head coach without any hype.

    If so, then Tennessee might be better than the hype-meisters who predict their doom are saying. At which point their October 23rd home date with national champion Alabama could loom large. Beat Alabama, and knock off one or two other ranked SEC teams on the way to a decent 9-4 season, and Tennessee will end up wreaking havoc on the “SEC is WAR!” meme, since they will be perceived to be David, doing too well against Goliath, which only has limited appeal to the fans.

    Knock a one-loss SEC champion (perhaps Alabama, with a loss to Tennessee?) out of the BCS title game conversation, send USC out to the wilderness, and the road to a title shot really opens up for an undefeated Boise State.

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Actually it would be completely appropriate for Enron to hire Madoff, seeing as how both are corrupt, bankrupt, and out of circulation.

    I guess to relate this to USC– The Trojans are the mecca of college football and it would only be appropriate to get the guy who turned nothing into something at Tennessee to be tapped to lead the next generation of superstars onto the field at USC.

    How many people said UT was gonna get blown off the field against Florida. They lost by 10 points in a very good game. UT was the better team when they played Bama, if Lane had confidence in his QB (and the refs) the Vols would have beat the Tide that day. Coming into USC he’s got 5 years of top recruits, PLUS this years class which should be #1 rated when all is said and done.

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