‘Tis (no longer) the season

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I’ve spent parts of the last three weekends taking down Christmas lights — these things take a while when you’ve got two little girls 🙂 — and today I finally finished dismantling the display that we lit up with much fanfare back on December 6. Here’s a time-lapse video of the take-down process:

My favorite part of this year’s display was the back yard, as seen in this blog masthead. Can’t wait to figure out how I’ll top myself next year. 🙂

2 thoughts on “‘Tis (no longer) the season

  1. Joe Loy

    Just so ya know, I think there may be 1 or 2 houses still seasonally Alight on Camp and/or Harding Avenue. / Whether they still Count, I couldn’t say. 🙂

  2. Tim Stevens

    This is great and kid is adorable, etc etc etc other niceties blah blah blah, but Christmas lights should be taken on no later than the Epiphany (Three Kings Day, if you will). See that you keep to this rule next year.

    That is all. End transmission.

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