7 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @tpmmedia VP …

  1. Brendan Loy

    I believe you left out the word “ass.” 🙂 But, reading his letter, I don’t think you’re right. The letter was straightforward and non-accusatory. It was Drudge and the propaganda machine that were asses about it.

  2. David K.

    actually what it was supposed to be as <expletive deleted&gr; but i forgot that comments would strip out the angle brackets unless i used the escape characters

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Scott Brown has been a senator for just one day and the whole country has gone down the toilet. Did you see how far Brown knocked the DJIA today? Below 10k for the first time in well a year or so. Basically, Brown has already undone everything Obama has done over the past year. I hope those morons in Mass are happy.

  4. Alasdair

    SU – revisionist history is supposed to wait at least until the day is over !

    Senator Brown was sworn in in classic exemplary Biden-style AFTER the Market closed …

    I suspect that Jobless Claims and the like had more to do with it … well, that and the idiots in Congress raising the Debt Ceiling what was it, about 15% ?

    Brendan – back in the day, on your blog, I said something along the lines of “The DOW Jones probably will get down to 9500 and then bounce around there for a while” – the words were different, but I believe the number I used was 9500 … is there any easy way to find that comment, now ?

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