1 thought on “Twitter: D.C. blizzard: PANIC!!!!! …

  1. Alasdair

    I just heard abotu the “Unemployment down to 9.7%” on the drive into work this morning (and haven’t had time to look into it further yet …

    However …

    WTF ? Did we not just have the recent announcement that ‘new jobless claims’ were higher than expected on Feb 4, 2010 ?

    “The Labor Department said Thursday that new claims for unemployment insurance rose by 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 480,000. Wall Street economists had expected a drop to 460,000, according to Thomson Reuters.

    The four-week average, which smooths fluctuations, rose for the third straight week to 468,750.

    So – we have 400K+ NEW claims for unemployment insurance over the past 4 weeks, and someone in “the Government” has the chutzpah to try to tell us that unemployment has gone down ?

    This goes beyond even Elder (of Connecticut) Loy’s Elders of Chelm !

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