3 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. ceiliazul

    How is this breaking news? According to this, the quake was less powerful than an average tornado, and occurs ~8000 times per year.

    I know, I know, I’m expecting too much of CNN breaking news.

  2. Yellamo

    I’m guessing it’s because you normally don’t associate the Chicagoland area with earthquakes.

    That said, it was powerful enough that it scared the crap out of my wife and kids who thought a snowplow hit the house or something.

  3. JD

    How is this breaking news?

    Well, things happen to break during earthquakes… /ducks

    It’s a Midwest quake, which doesn’t happen all that often, and it’s a good deal away from the New Madrid fault, too, so that makes it interesting.

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