8 thoughts on “FriendFeed: But seriously, folks: …

  1. gahrie

    David K: Seriously…..if you can’t admit that Franken is a complete joke and the last man on Earth who should be a Senator there is simply no hope for you.

    You are showing yourself to be a reflexive knee jerk partisan…kind of like Franken now that I think about it.

    This goes beyond politics. Franken is a mean-spirited, small-minded jerk who would be a bully if given the chance. He is an asshole in every way. Mark my words…he will physically attack someone before his term is up.

  2. David K.

    Actually gahrie, i’m showing myself to be nothing more than able to provoke a knee jerk reaction from you by posting a single comment. You are entirely too predictable 🙂

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