Won’t you be my neighbor fan?

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I’ve created a Living Room Times Fan Page on Facebook. 🙂

If enough of my FB friends, and others who follow my blog, become “fans” of the LRT Page, my eventual plan is to make it the hub of all of my blog-related activity on Facebook, and cut back the blog stuff on my personal profile (like the endless stream of cross-posting). For now, though, everything is cross-posting in both places.

[UPDATE: On second thought, I’ve gone ahead and turned off cross-posting to my personal FB profile now. The last thing I want is for my friends/”fans” to start seeing the same thing twice in their News Feeds while I’m making the transition. That’d be über-annoying. So, blog posts (and tweets, etc.) are now only cross-posting to the new Fan Page. If you want them in your Feed, you’ll have to become a “fan”! Heh.]

I’ve also created a Facebook Event Page (actually administered by the LRT itself, not by Brendan Loy per se) for my “Oscar Pool, Liveblog & Livechat.” The pool entry deadline is 5:30 PM MDT Sunday; the liveblog/chat starts at 6:00 PM MDT.

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