Bracket busted? Redeem yourself in my 13th annual women’s pool!

After 1 1/4 crazy days of basketball, your bracket is probably busted. Yeah, so is just about everyone else’s. But I have two pieces of good news. First of all, busted brackets are what make the Tournament great, so stop complaining. (Yeah, easy for me to say.) Second of all, you have a chance at redemption: Enter the women’s pool!

I know, I know: you don’t know anything about women’s hoops, you don’t follow it, you haven’t a clue. You would be making wild guesses about the 57 out of 63 games that can’t end in a UConn victory. So? 99% of the contestants are in the same boat, yet somebody’s gotta win the thing. (Besides, you thought you knew all about men’s hoops, and look where that’s gotten you. Sometimes wild guesses are better than overthinking.)

It’s free, it’s fun, and it’s a chance to make a completely clean bracket that isn’t busted yet, and won’t be busted for at least 24 hours or so. Need I say more?

(Deadline is 10am Mountain Time tomorrow.)

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