It might be because I’m feveri…
It might be because I’m feverish, but damn, it is HOT! Memo to Mother Nature: it’s autumn, bitch.
It might be because I’m feverish, but damn, it is HOT! Memo to Mother Nature: it’s autumn, bitch.
Is feeling sorry for myself. Head cold: 1 Becky: 0
Took the hubby’s car to the shop @ 7am with the kids in tow. Headed to work now and then, off to babysit for our co-op. Yay Saturday!
Both of my kids are “reading” books while I eat my breakfast. I’m raising little nerds! and getting mushy banana on Dora.
Was charged $90 for flu shots. Health care reform?
Needs a debt calculator that can handle different payments each month.
Would like to thank Congress for giving my kids free vaccinations. Why not universal care for the under 18 set?
Dear John McCain, using procedure to block a vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell makes you look like a giant boil on the cock of the Senate.
Staying up late chatting with your best friend: fabulous. A toddler who jumps on your kidneys at 5:30am: karmic retribution. #irepent
Hanging out on the jury holding room with a bunch of other bored people. #yaycivics