Author Archives: Brendan

Go Yanks! Beat the Canucks!

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For anyone who is watching the U.S.-Canada gold-medal hockey game, and wants to say something about aboot it, here’s an open thread for you. I’m not “liveblogging,” per se, though I may post an update or two, if I feel so inspired. GO AMURRRICA!!! BEAT CANADIA!!! UPDATE, 1:40 PM MDT: 1-0 Canada on a goal by Toews, 7:10 left in… Read more »

CNN relocates Hawaii; hilarity ensues

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Orly Taitz will surely be calling CNN’s Rick Sanchez soon, to learn more about this South American island nation of “Hawaii”: (Hat tip: Wonkette.) As they say on Twitter, #cnnfail.

Nuance, thy name is NOT Matt Drudge

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So, this is a mildly interesting story: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. “That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these… Read more »

Conan O’Brien, now available in 140-character form

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Conan O’Brien joined Twitter on Wednesday, and has racked up 379,609 followers over the course of three days. His biographical information states: “I had a show. Then I had a different show. Now I have a Twitter account.” Thus far, he’s posted a grand total of three tweets, one per day, each one riffing on the idea that he’s pathetically… Read more »

Ten years ago today…

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…Becky and I started dating. A whole decade as a couple. Kind of incredible. (Look how young we were!) And I’m still just as head-over-heels as ever, for my first girlfriend, my wife, my one & only love. I love you, Becky. 🙂 P.S. The above photo was taken on March 24, 2000 — the day before our first “monthaversary,”… Read more »

Where’s the Outrage Machine?

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[UPDATE/CORRECTION: The comment in question was made by Steve King of Iowa, not Peter King of New York. Apologies to Peter King for the mix-up. Meanwhile, this is not the first time Steve King has said something dumb. … FWIW, Peter King has also been known to make controversial comments, but he did not make this one.] Can you imagine… Read more »

Greatest calls in sports history?

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Inspired by my own lame joke about tonight’s USA-Canada hockey result — “Do you believe in mild surprises? YES!” — I got to thinking about whether it would be accurate to describe the call on which the joke is based, Al Michaels’ “Do you believe in miracles?” at the end of the 1980 USA-Soviet game, as the single most famous… Read more »

Holy mackerel!

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As Andy Glockner points out, today’s awesome game-winner (at the 0:55 mark of the clip) by Maryland to beat Georgia Tech… …is strikingly reminiscent (albeit under less dramatic circumstances, obviously) of a certain Georgia Tech shot to beat USC in the Big Dance, 18 years ago this March:

14 years ago this week…

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I should have posted this on Saturday, but didn’t think of it, alas. However, 14 years ago this week — February 13, 1996 — I had what you might call my first 15 minutes of fame (although, compared to the Katrina boomlet that would follow 9 1/2 years later, it was more like 15 seconds of moderate attention), when the… Read more »