Author Archives: Brendan

Hillary to skip SOTU; everybody panic?

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Alasdair, in comments, on Friday: I’m just curious if our Secretary of State will be the one to volunteer to be absent from the SOTU … if she does, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere in the North-East during the SOTU speech, and especially not in DC … Not that I believe she would try anything, but we are talking… Read more »

Official LRT Jesus Tablet Open Thread

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Tonight, President Obama’s Teleprompter will address the nation, and tell us various lies about the economy and the budget and the future of the country and whatnot. And I’ll be liveblogging that, natch. But first: the day’s really important address to the nation! I’m talking, of course, about Apple’s “our latest creation” event this morning, at which Dear Leader Jobs… Read more »

Reminder: Liveblog tomorrow!

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Make no mistake: There will be a State of the Union Live Blog & Live Chat tomorrow. Let me be clear: it won’t happen overnight. (Rather, it will start at 6:50 PM Mountain Time, or 8:50 EDT.) So bring your teleprompter and join us for some “partisan games”! Yes We Can! [UPDATE/CORRECTION: I’ll put the chat window up a bit… Read more »

Life imitates The Onion

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First came this fake news report from the Onion News Network… …and then, as if in answer, this real photo, featured today on the Drudge Report, of Obama speaking at an elementary school — with a pair of teleprompters in tow: Heh. As actual political commentary, the Obama-teleprompter meme is pretty dumb; as comedy, however, it’s pretty damn funny. Case… Read more »

Conan’s classy farewell

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In case you missed it Friday night, here are Conan O’Brien’s closing remarks on his final Tonight Show: They then concluded the show with in an entirely wacky and bizarre (and therefore appropriate?) fashion, with Will Ferrell singing “Free Bird” — and repeatedly making out with his real-life pregnant wife — and Conan playing backup guitar. Gawker has all the… Read more »

‘Tis (no longer) the season

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I’ve spent parts of the last three weekends taking down Christmas lights — these things take a while when you’ve got two little girls 🙂 — and today I finally finished dismantling the display that we lit up with much fanfare back on December 6. Here’s a time-lapse video of the take-down process: My favorite part of this year’s display… Read more »

Southwest storm shatters records

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From the “Brendan is seriously slacking on his weather-nerd duties” file… I knew the recent California/Arizona storm was a big deal, but I had no idea it was this big of a deal: The most powerful low pressure system in 140 years of record keeping swept through the Southwest U.S. [Thursday], bringing deadly flooding, tornadoes, hail, hurricane force winds, and… Read more »

Next Wednesday night: SOTU liveblog!

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Just wanted to throw out an early plug for my State of the Union live blog / live chat, for which I’ll be trying out a new service that I’ve just discovered, an alternative to CoverItLive called ScribbleLive. Seems pretty cool, and very customizable. And, unlike during the BCS Title Game, anyone can join the chat — no login required!… Read more »