Author Archives: Brendan

Too many good teams, not enough playoff spots

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SI’s Stewart Mandel says the problem with this college football season isn’t that there are “no dominant teams,” as many people have said. It’s that there are “too many dominant teams. Six of them, in fact.” The delineation couldn’t be clearer in this week’s BCS standings, which feature six undefeated teams (Florida, Alabama, Texas, TCU, Cincinnati and Boise State) …… Read more »

Fun with Facebook

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Tee hee hee: Yep: I won another bet with Mike Tran, my “Irish Bruin” buddy from law school. If UCLA had won, I would’ve had to post a picture of myself in UCLA gear as my Facebook profile for a week. Instead, Mike has the distinct privilege and high honor of sporting cardinal & gold for three days. (I gave… Read more »

ISS, Shuttle & Moon

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Loyette, Loyacita and I saw the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the International Space Station fly over Denver this evening. They were not quite 16 hours removed from undocking, and were still very close together in the sky, as this photo shows: That’s the Moon at top right. The ISS is the bottom left streak of light, fading as it moves… Read more »

Obama convenes poultry death panel, spares turkey

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In addition to the funny tweets posted below, here’s another take on today’s official turkey pardoning, from Doug Mataconis: “That must be the biggest Turkey to get a Presidential Pardon since Ford pardoned Nixon.” Heh. Personally, I want to know whether that turkey was even born in this country. I bet he’s a foreigner, and thus constitutionally ineligible to be… Read more »

Who is this Republican Senator from Connecticut, and what has he done with Joe Lieberman?

In a post titled “Bitter, Party Of One,” Andrew Sullivan links to an article by Peter Beinart about the junior senator from Connecticut, “Independent Democrat” Joe Lieberman, whose 2006 re-election campaign I turned into a personal blog crusade. Indeed, longtime readers will recall that I used Lieberman’s Democratic-primary loss as inspiration to declare myself an independent (as did my mom),… Read more »

Notre Dame coaching decision pool

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Okay, time for a little blog prediction contest… QUESTION: Who will be the head coach of Notre Dame’s football team next season? TIEBREAKER #1: On what date will Notre Dame announce its decision with respect to Charlie Weis? TIEBREAKER #2: On what date will Notre Dame announce Weis’s replacement (if applicable)? TIEBREAKER #3: What will be the margin of victory/defeat… Read more »