Author Archives: Brendan

Just the road and its majesty

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I’m in Steamboat Springs for the weekend, at a legal education conference thingy. The drive up here was, as you’d expect, gorgeous. I captured a bit of it by putting my digital camera on the dashboard and just letting it sit there, and shoot video, while I drove. The result turned out pretty well, I think. The “soundtrack” is provided… Read more »

More on Gates-gate

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I don’t mean to obsess over this stupid Cambridge case, which is really not all that important in the grand scheme of things. There are far worse examples of police misconduct; this one is a prominent story mainly because of a question asked at a presidential press conference, and because we’re in the midst of the annual midsummer news lull…. Read more »

Server switch in progress

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I am in the progress of switching servers from WestHost — which has served me well over the years, but now, alas, just cannot seem to handle the load caused by my WordPress blogs — to the WordPress-recommended site BlueHost. We’ll see how it goes. In the mean time, there will undoubtedly be some technical hiccups as the switch happens…. Read more »

Rays and bolts

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Here’s a photo I took yesterday of crepuscular rays over Denver, shortly before sunrise: And, later in the day, a pair of video screen-grabs (a split second apart) of a single lightning bolt striking two spots south of downtown: It has been an exceptionally stormy summer so far in Denver, for which I blame El Niño, global warming, Canada, and… Read more »

Why do conservatives hate government but blindly trust the police?

I was delighted yesterday to see Glenn Reynolds linking to libertarian writer Radley Balko’s Reason article about the Cambridge kerfuffle (a.k.a. Gates-gate). Balko shifts the focus away from race, which is really a sideshow in this particular case, to where it rightfully belongs: police abuse of power. And, while acknowledging that Gates seems to have acted boorishly, Balko criticizes Crowley… Read more »

Rickey & Nolan

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Rickey Henderson’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame got me thinking — as any mention of Rickey Henderson always does — of May 1, 1991, when Henderson’s record-breaking 939th stolen base was completely and utterly overshadowed a few hours later by Nolan Ryan’s incredible seventh career no-hitter. I distinctly remember feeling, I suppose somewhat uncharitably, that Henderson deserved to… Read more »

One last time

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So long, Governor Palin. Your supporters will miss you — as will your detractors. For instance, I’ll miss having the opportunity to randomly post this graphic: But alas! I understand: you don’t want the “title” of governor to interfere with the important work of using dishonest, propagandistic nonsense to inflame the ignorant masses. That would be “politics as usual”! After… Read more »