Author Archives: Brendan


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President Obama will be excited about this one: White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle pitched a perfect game this afternoon, with a major assist from this amazing catch by outfielder Dewayne Wise in the ninth inning. Here’s the final out:

An anthem for the birthers

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Jon Stewart eviscerates the suddenly-prominent birther movement: Has Colbert done a segment on these clowns yet? It seems right up his alley. Meanwhile, as I was writing this post’s title, and contemplating whether “birthers” should be capitalized or not, I was reminded of the term “Birchers” — as in, the John Birch Society — which, of course, reminded me of… Read more »

My former state rep is a birther

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When Becky and I lived in Knoxville, we resided in the heavily Republican 18th legislative district of Tennessee, a.k.a. “the fightin’ 18th,” which is represented by the ultraconservative — and endlessly controversial — Stacey Campfield (who is a man). Campfield is many things: a blogger (albeit a somewhat notoriously sloppy one, in terms of spelling and grammar); a classic car… Read more »

There goes the Sun

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Via Flickr, here’s a shot of Wednesday’s total solar eclipse as seen from Bayohara, India: ( / CC BY 2.0) More photos can be found at And here’s a video of the Moon’s shadow sweeping across Asia, as seen via satellite. UPDATE: Still more photos via the Boston Globe‘s always excellent The Big Picture photoblog.

Best. Press Release. Ever.

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Last week, Fox News published a story (now scrubbed from their site, but available here) titled “Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies.” CNET News asked whether we’ve reached the “dawn of the corpse-eating robots,” while Fast Company mocked Fox for its “gleeful conjecture.” Now, the manufacturer of the EVIL FLESH-EATING ROBOTS OF DEATH has responded with a press… Read more »

Lengthy solar eclipse to sweep across Asia tomorrow

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Millions of people in India, China, and other Asian nations will have a front-row seat for the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century tomorrow: The event begins at the crack of dawn on Wednesday, July 22nd, in the Gulf of Khambhat just east of India. Morning fishermen will experience a sunrise like nothing they’ve ever seen before. Rising… Read more »

That’s the way it was

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As you probably already know, today is the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing — arguably mankind’s greatest achievement (though, as Conan O’Brien pointed out, putting cheese inside the pizza crust is surely a close second). In honor of the anniversary, Mac OS X, iPhone and iPod touch users can download Carina’s SkyGazer astronomy application, free for today only…. Read more »

Your daily dose of panic & alarmism…

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…is brought to you by William R. Forstchen, author of One Second After — a novel about an electromagnetic pulse that plunges America into third-world chaos (with a foreward by Newt Gingrich!) — who offers this helpful step-by-step guide to how we’re all completely screwed if (nay, when!) terrorists unleash E.M.P. hell. And you were worried about swine flu? (Hat… Read more »

Sonia Sotomayor and the moral high ground

Conservative blogger William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection says Yes to Sotomayor. (Hat tip: InstaPundit.) I haven’t watched the hearings — I’ve been, er, a little busy — but based on what I know, I’m inclined to agree: conservatives should vote “Yes.” Not because of ethnic politics, nor for reasons of short-term political preservation, but as a matter of principle,… Read more »