Author Archives: Brendan

Happy 4th of July!

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Hope you’re all having a great holiday weekend. Here’s a photo from today’s ingenious Stapleton 4th of July parade, in which the “floats” are the strollers and bicycles of the neighborhood’s abundant kiddo population: This evening, we’ll head to Becky’s cousin’s barbecue, and then hopefully catch some fireworks. Happy Birthday, America! P.S. No baby yet. 🙂 P.P.S. With apologies to… Read more »

Play her off, keyboard cat

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At dinner with the fam last night, we toasted the memory of Sarah Palin’s political career. (“May it rest in peace,” Ted offered.) Well, here’s a video expressing essentially the same sentiment, via possibly the dumbest Internet meme ever invented — keyboard cat — in one of its rare, actually appropriate uses. “Play her off,” indeed. Enjoy: (Via Enlightened Despot.)

What is Sarah Palin thinking?

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Get ready to hear the phrase “Sarah Palin didn’t even serve a full term as Alaska’s governor” over and over again, because it will among her opponents’ favorite refrains in the 2012 campaign, if she runs for president. She has just gift-wrapped, tied in a bow, and sent to Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, postage pre-paid, the perfect… Read more »

Joe Biden keeps his mouth shut!

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From the “Signs Of The Apocalypse” files: Joe Biden has arrived in Baghdad for a surprise visit to meet with Iraqi officials and U.S. troops. Yes, that’s right: Joe Biden managed to keep something secret. Ladies and gentlemen, the end is nigh. PANIC!!!

Vote early, vote often, vote for The Backer!

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The Ultimate College Sports Bar Smackdown semifinals are still underway — polls close Friday night — and after falling way behind early, The Backer has rallied to a near-tie with Clemson’s The Esso Club. At last check, it’s Esso 2905, Backer 2826. Bottom line: Fellow Domers, THE BACKER NEEDS YOU!!! Vote for The Backer, or Al Franken and ACORN will… Read more »

Baby Pool update

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The polls are closed for the second Loy Baby Pool, and we’ve got a total of 70 contestants. After the jump, a look at everyone’s predictions for when the baby will be born — and the range of birth dates & times in which each contestant would win.

Time to switch hosts?

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Getting fed up with server problems. Thinking seriously about switching to BlueHost, which is recommended for WordPress blogs. WestHost has always treated me well — but a simple, brand-new WordPress blog with a small database footprint and a couple hundred hits per day should NOT be crashing a $20/month hosting account. Argh.

Server issues

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FYI – I’ve been having server issues due to apache overload, apparently caused by certain search-engine bots indexing changes too fast. (Decepticon saboteurs, perhaps?) I’m working on it. In the mean time, if you notice that the blog is down, that’s probably why. Please e-mail me at irishtrojan [at] if you experience site problems. And of course, if any… Read more »