Author Archives: Brendan

Our moving day in 191 seconds

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Continuing on the theme of things I didn’t get a chance to blog about when they happened, because I didn’t have a blog at the time: here’s a time-lapse video from April 29, the day we moved into our new house. It shows our moving day from beginning to end, starting at our old condo in South Denver, then ending… Read more »

Header mini-post

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As you can see, I’ve installed the new blog masthead, at least for now. I like it. If you see a bunch of white space above and below it, refresh the page to load the new stylesheet.

What we choose to remember

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In the wake of yesterday’s shocking events, most people seem, unsurprisingly and perhaps even understandably, to be primarily eulogizing Michael Jackson, pop icon and troubled genius, rather than Michael Jackson, accused child molester and all-around weirdo. This reminds me a bit of Richard Nixon’s death, when there was a tendency, at least in the initial days after he died, to… Read more »

An update on the “unlawful photographer”

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I neglected to link to this before, but on the very day I launched this blog, Carlos Miller, a photojournalist who blogs at the site Photography is Not a Crime, posted an update on Scott Conover, the East Tennessee man whose arrest for “unlawful photography” was the subject of several posts on my previous blog — 1, 2, 3, 4… Read more »

Michael Jackson is dead

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Per TMZ. Also per @BreakingNews, which states: “FLASH — LOS ANGELES — “KING OF POP” MICHAEL JACKSON HAS DIED.” He was 50. UPDATE: The L.A. Times confirms. After the jump, I’ve posted a screenshot of the Times‘s homepage right now. Top story: Michael Jackson dies. Second story: Farrah Fawcett dies. Third story: the fiscal crisis that is about to cause… Read more »

Masthead madness

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Earlier today, as I pondered the “All the Nose” debate — and the subsidiary question of what to do with all that white space in the blog masthead if I eliminate the subtitle — I had a brainstorm. What if I use one of my panoramic pictures, or better yet, a rotating series of them, as a photographic backdrop for… Read more »

Iranian regime launches all-out massacre [UPDATE: conflicting reports]

It sounds like today was a day of horrific violence in Tehran (WARNING: graphic photo on linked page). Excerpt: An Iranian blogger (whose URL I will not publish) live blogging from Baharestan Square in central Tehran today captures but brief glimpses of the unimaginable horror that took place today. Bus loads of protesters were stopped and unloaded from their buses… Read more »

Baby Pool Redux

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[UPDATE: I’ve bumped this post up, and edited it slightly, to encourage entries. -ed.] As most of you know, Baby Girl Loy #2, a.k.a. “Loyacita,” is due on July 8. As we did with “Loyette,” we’re running a Baby Pool to predict the little one’s birth date, time, weight and height. The deadline to enter (or modify your previous entry)… Read more »