Author Archives: Brendan

Photos from Iran

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The Boston Globe‘s always exceptional photoblog, The Big Picture, has a typically fantastic post about the Iranian uprising, titled “A troubled week in Iran,” featuring great photo after great photo of the turmoil, all 990 pixels wide. This follows on the heels of three previous posts with photos of the election and subsequent protests. Lots of great stuff. Definitely worth… Read more »

What you’ve missed

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Here are some things that I’ve done, seen, and taken pictures of, since I went on my “blog hiatus” last November: USC vs. Notre Dame at the L.A. Coliseum, November 29, 2008: Planetary conjunction over Denver, December 1, 2008: Toby in front of our fireplace, December 21, 2008: Pretty pictures of the Superstition Mountains, December 25 and 26, 2008:


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As noted in my official blog-launching post at midnight this morning, I’m returning to the blogosphere today after a seven-month hiatus with a new blog under a new (old) name: The Living Room Times, the title of my old school newspaper. I’ll have more to say about that name, and its history, a little later. But the name of this… Read more »

Lunar flyby set for this morning

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I have various additional introductory blog posts scheduled to go online throughout the day today, but in the mean time, blogworthy stuff is happening in the world — and the cosmos. Specifically: [This] morning, NASA’s LCROSS spacecraft will fly by the Moon only 9,000 km above the lunar surface. The purpose of the encounter is to put LCROSS in an… Read more »

Well, I’m back

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*   *   *   *   * Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, Whispers of a nameless fear. And the Blog of Power perceived: Its time had now come. *   *   *   *   * I’m back, baby. After more than seven months in… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Testing testing