Author Archives: Brendan

Oscars Live Chat 2012

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By popular demand (by which I mean Becky said I should do it), I’ve set up a Live Chat for tonight’s Academy Awards after all. More on that in a second, but first, join my 8th annual Oscar Pool! The ABC broadcast starts at 5:00 PM Mountain Time, the actual awards at 5:30 PM, but you can start chatting whenever… Read more »

Very, very belatedly: Oscar Pool 2012!

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I’ve very, very late to this… so late that it’s already Oscar Day on the East Coast… but it’s time to (quickly!) sign up for the 8th annual Living Room Times Oscar Pool! Frankly, I completely forgot until late in the week that this was coming up, and then I was too busy to get it set up, until tonight…. Read more »

Colorado Caucuses – LIVE!

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Tonight, starting sometime between 6:30 and 7:00 PM Mountain Time, I’ll be live-tweeting from a Colorado GOP Precinct Caucus at Denver West High School (PDF map) as an “observer.” (They allow that.) Then, I’ll drive two miles down the road and, continuing my rally-hopping ways, I will attend Mitt Romney’s victory party. Should be fun! My tweets will all appear… Read more »

“There never was much rope. Just a fool’s rope.”

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I haven’t blogged here very much this season about University of Denver basketball — I’ve kept that over at Mile High Mids and the Mid-Majority — but Saturday’s game experience was pretty epic, as Denver upset Middle Tennessee State in front of a national TV audience, and the students (and DU Bally and I) rushed the court. You can read… Read more »

Last Man Live (and Go Giants)

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For most of us, myself included, today is Super Bowl Sunday. But for some in the quirky Mid-Majority cult community, it’s the start of Last Man — or, if you prefer, #lastman — the annual game of trying to avoid learning the result of the Super Bowl (a.k.a. #TheKnowledge) for as long as possible. You might remember this from last… Read more »


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With the GOP race still nominally undecided (though, c’mon, we all know how this ends), the Colorado Caucuses next Tuesday have become important, and as a result, we’ve got candidates in town! Yay! For a political junkie like yours truly, this is obviously exciting. So, on Tuesday, I went to a Ron Paul rally in Denver, and on Wednesday, I… Read more »


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On this night of Gingrich triumph and GOP establishment #PANIC, it’s worth looking back to last May, when Newt’s campaign was an unmitigated disaster, and a subject of abject mockery from sea to shining sea, as best represented by this utterly hilarious Stephen Colbert / John Lithgow clip: P.S. Romney’s still gonna win the nomination, y’know. Still about a 90%… Read more »

From the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado…

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On my commute home this afternoon, I’ll fulfill my annual Martin Luther King Day tradition of taking 17 minutes every third Monday in January to listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety. Some part(s) of it never fails to give me goosebumps. Dr. King’s actual birthday was yesterday; he would have been 83 years old.

Huntsman to drop out, endorse Romney

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The official announcement will come tomorrow. Alas. (Below: the “ticket to ride.”) Huntsman was the best potential president in the GOP field, but his incompetent campaign and personal douchiness (to use the technical political-science term) eliminated any chance he had of overcoming the RINO-ish parts of his biography and platform to seriously challenge for the nomination. My lyrical Twitter farewell:… Read more »

Cowan edges Vermin in N.H.

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Well, yesterday was certainly a dramatic night in New Hampshire, but with 294 of 301 precincts reporting, it appears we finally have a result. Drumroll please: Ed Cowan 934 (1.59%) Vermin Supreme 823 (1.40%) Ed Cowan of Waterbury, Vermont gets his ticket to ride! On to South Carolina! Meanwhile, the all-important battle for third place remains too close to call:… Read more »