Author Archives: Brendan

Romney, Huntsman tie in Dixville Notch!

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Can you feel the #HUNTSMENTUM tonight? They’re feeling it in Dixville Notch! Republican voters in the “First in the Nation” hamlet, which quadrennially opens its polls at midnight and closes them at ~12:01 AM after everyone in town has voted, gave two votes each to Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, for the first tie since 1980, when Ronald Reagan and… Read more »

Another (pro-Obama) contrarian view on Recessgate

Yesterday, I, a generally pro-Obama left-centrist, called Obama’s “non-recess recess” appointment of Richard Cordray an unjustifiable abuse of power. Now, here comes conservative/libertarian blogger Dale Franks, defending President Obama on the issue — “as distateful as it is to me.” Here’s the blog post. It’s well worth a read if you care about this issue. Money quote: At the very… Read more »

“But for Wales, Barack?” Obama’s unjustifiable abuse of power

President Obama yesterday exercised his “recess appointment” powers to appoint Richard Cordray, whose nomination had previously been blocked by the Senate GOP, as the head of the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. There’s only one problem with this: Congress isn’t in recess. Congressional Republicans have ensured that Congress technically remains “in session” throughout the winter break by holding brief… Read more »

Nyghtewynd wins LRT Bowl Pick ’em

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Congratulations to Nyghtewynd, who clinched victory in the 7th annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest when West Virginia routed Clemson 70-33 tonight in the Orange Bowl. More details to come tomorrow. UPDATE: I never did post those details “tomorrow” as promised, but bottom line, Nyghtewynd clinched the pool because West Virginia won. As I explained here: “Ultimately, Nyghtewynd… Read more »

Loyacita aims for Bowl Pick ’em victory; Go Clemson!!!

Becky and I may be mired near the bottom of the 7th annual LRT Bowl Pick ’em Contest standings — currently in 34th and 36th place, respectively, out of 39 — but there’s one member of the family who still has a chance to win, and a pretty good chance at that: our 2 1/2 year old daughter, “Loyacita.”

Tied Iowa vote produces epic CNN night

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Mitt Romney “won” the Iowa caucuses tonight by 8 votes out of 122,255 cast, “beating” Rick Santorum 30,015 to 30,007. That’s a margin of 0.0065%, which is even narrower than Florida’s unbelievably close 2000 election (0.0090%), and essentially meaningless in the absence of a recount. The caucuses ended in a tie, plain and simple. As dramatic as that was, CNN’s… Read more »

The View From My Window

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The sunrise over Denver was absolutely gorgeous this morning. Despite the cold, I actually carried the older girls outside onto our front porch in their pajamas (for a few seconds) to see it. I didn’t get a picture of the most stunning, bright-orange-and-pink part, but I did take this shot, a few minutes later, from our upstairs bathroom, snapped with… Read more »

2nd annual Bally Drop!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Last night, after ringing in 10:00 PM (when the ball drops in Times Square) with Becky’s and my traditional milquetoast milk toast, I rang in the actual New Year — y’know, at midnight local time — with a dozen or so Twitter friends, at my second annual livestreamed “Bally Drop.” Here’s the archived stream of the big… Read more »