Author Archives: Brendan

Having too much fun with realignment and Lord of the Rings quotes

There isn’t much point in blogging the latest conference realignment developments, since they’ll all change in 5 minutes, then change back again. Instead, a sampling of amusing (to me, at least) tweets — extended slightly for the blog format in a few cases — applying Lord of the Rings quotes to Conferencepocalypse. (Credit to Brandon Minich and DocErock on some… Read more »

Shake down the thunder from the sky!

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Thunderbolts and lightning (very very frightening)! Photo via @bubbaprog. College football season started off with a bang — or, more precisely, a loud crack of thunder — with a wild weekend that saw two games (Michigan-Western Michigan and West Virginia-Marshall) called early due to bad weather, and another (Notre Dame-South Florida) last for approximately 83 hours, plenty of time for… Read more »

3rd annual LRT CFB Pick ‘em Contest!

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It’s that time of year again… time for the 3nd annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest! It’s free! It’s fun! Join in! To join the group, click here, then enter Group ID number 20146 and password PANIC. Basic rules: • We’ll be picking all games involving AP Top 25 teams + all games involving Pac-12 teams +… Read more »

“Thank God for…Brendan Loy”

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Dude… it’s I apologize to my LRT readers for having so little coverage of Hurricane Irene here, while I was blogging up a storm (pun intended) over at my Pajamas Media site, Weather Nerd. Ideally, I would have done more partial cross-posting — understandably, PJM doesn’t let me do full cross-posts, since they pay me for exclusive content, but… Read more »


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Sorry to keep posting these computer model maps, but they’re just so sensational, I can’t help myself. From the 0Z GFS: Over on Weather Nerd, I write: Holy hell. That map is downright terrifying. (It’s even worse when viewed as an animation. Hat tip: Ryan Maue.) It represents something pretty darn close to the true worst-case scenario, the New York… Read more »

The trend is no longer your friend

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The computer models forecasting Hurricane Irene’s track have shifted back west today, decisively ending the eastward “trend” of the forecasts, and bringing New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, and Southern New England very much back into the bullseye of the risk zone. This also increases the risk of a direct hit (rather than a glancing blow) in North Carolina,… Read more »