Author Archives: Brendan

The trend is your friend

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The 0Z GFS computer model shifts Irene’s landfall point to the east, again — from NYC/Long Island to Cape Cod. The rightward trend continues. This hurricane may yet stay out to sea, folks. By the way, I’m blogging at Pajamas Media’s “Weather Nerd” again, at least for the moment.

Earthquake strikes East Coast!

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As if Hurricane Irene’s menacing approach wasn’t enough, an earthquake of preliminary magnitude 5.9 struck northeastern Virginia about 20 minutes ago, and — as is typical for earthquakes in the eastern two-thirds of the country — was felt far & wide, from Toronto to the Deep South. I haven’t heard any damage reports yet. (I just learned about this via… Read more »

I’m still alive, I swear…

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…I’ve just had no time to blog for the last week-and-a-half. My evening free time is largely taken up holding a baby, and, well, it’s hard to type while you’re doing that. But hey, at least nothing newsworthy/blogworthy has happened during that time, like, oh I don’t know: • Michelle Bachmann wins the Iowa Straw Poll; • Generic Republican drops… Read more »

WSJ: Apple has ordered co…

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@WSJ: Apple has ordered components for the iPad 3 with a higher-res screen, aiming to launch in early 2012

slmandel: Two weeks from …

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@slmandel: Two weeks from tonight I will be at an actual college football game. The last one (Auburn-Oregon) seems like 3 yrs ago. Let’s do this!

slmandel: Paul Dee at a 2…

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@slmandel: Paul Dee at a 2007 infractions hearing: “You have to put in place the kind of institutional control we hav… (cont)

msnbc_weather: The haboob…

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@msnbc_weather: The haboob returns! Another wall of dust hits Phoenix

hurricanes: Atlantic trop…

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@hurricanes: Atlantic tropical system is a potential U.S. threat next week says Weather Channel

rushthecourt: Um, WOW. G…

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@rushthecourt: Um, WOW. Georgetown brawl video –!

“Showmanship, not leadership”

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Of all the things I tweeted during last night’s Republican presidential debate in Iowa, none was more surprising — including to myself — than this one: “SANTORUM FTW.” And I wasn’t being sarcastic. Rick Santorum, the archconservative also-ran from Pennsylvania, with whom I disagree about most everything — especially gay rights — thrilled me enough to bust out that unironic… Read more »