Author Archives: Brendan


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All-time March Madness hero Lorenzo Charles, of “They won it! On the dunk!” fame, has died in a bus accident at age 47. Charles’s signature basket was memorialized, among countless other places, in the third verse of my Battle Hymn of the Underdog: Glory, glory, Cinderella! Glory, glory, Cinderella! Glory, glory, Cinderella! The Madness marches on! I have read the… Read more »

In which Connecticut becomes Greece

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“The only problem with this God-damned Unionis its God-damned members.”–a long-ago Connecticut union leader who shall remain nameless Thanks to byzantine voting rules and petulant prison guards, Connecticut’s public sector unions have rejected the contract deal cut between their leaders and Democratic Governor Daniel Malloy, setting the stage for massive layoffs and a possible economic “lost decade” for the already… Read more »

Hell, meet handbasket

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The debt ceiling talks have collapsed. I have little to add, really, to what I’ve already said about this. The political point-scoring brinksmanship on this issue is appalling. The Republicans’ position is logically indefensible, wholly and completely. The Tea Party’s ongoing temper tantrum about the mathematically necessary expedient of raising the debt ceiling — as I’ve said before, this is… Read more »

Corrupt, incompetent, absurd NCAA inexplicably lets UNC off the hook

Let’s review. USC’s football program allegedly allowed agents, proto-agents and/or runners to run rampant (I’ll ignore for the moment that this was not actually proven), and failed to monitor the activities of one “high-profile athlete” (two athletes counting O.J. Mayo, who played basketball, not football), or rather said athlete’s family. An assistant coach supposedly knew about the athlete’s family’s activities… Read more »

Re-opening the Baby Pool

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We’ve got 26 entries in the Third Loy Baby Pool, with the earliest prediction — Chris “Doc” Evans, who predicted a birth this Saturday at 9:45 PM — approaching fast. I can’t help but notice, however, a surprising dearth of entries on either the baby’s actual due date (July 8) or the day after (July 9). Between AMLTrojan’s entry (7/7/11,… Read more »