Author Archives: Brendan

jonahkeri: Huh. JUST talk…

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@jonahkeri: Huh. JUST talked Gus/announcers w/ Sean McDonough — podcast up tomorrow. RT @richarddeitsch CBS/Gus Johnson part ways:

GOP debate night!

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Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Tim Pawlenty Generic Republican. 7pm Mountain Time, Fox News. Be there, or be… somewhere else! Doing something else! Like 99.9% of Americans will! Dunno if I’ll actually watch, but you’ve gotta admit, the lineup is pretty compelling. How often do you see a Republican debate lineup that’s 40% libertarian, 20% black,… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Look, it’s a generic photo of Tim Pawlenty, the Generic Republican! He looks so generic!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Anyone who says Mitch Daniels has no charisma or appeal is off their rocker. Jackie Seal

Irony, thy name is PJTV

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This morning, I got an e-mail from PJTV — the online broadcast arm of the conservative blog conglomerate Pajamas Media* — containing the following two paragraphs, one immediately after other: The Conversation: Dead and Gone, but the Spin Lives On: The War of Words in the Wake of Bin Laden’s Death Is there a diffrence between discussing the politcal impact… Read more »

First bin Laden, now the BCS?

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CNN Breaking News: “The Justice Department said in a letter to the NCAA that it has opened an antitrust inquiry into the Bowl Championship Series system.” UPDATE: Andy Staples says the “CNN story makes it seem as if there is more news than letter provides”: Here’s the full text of the DOJ BCS letter to the NCAA. Sounds like DOJ… Read more »

Denver mayoral party-hopping

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Last night, I witnessed the victory speeches of both mayoral candidates who qualified for the June 7 runoff, Chris Romer and Michael Hancock, making me perhaps the only person to do so. (You may recall I did something similar with the senatorial and gubernatorial primaries last August.) Here’s some video of both, mixed with iMovie on my iPhone: Earlier in… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I’m sorry, but the notion that Obama would fake Bin Laden’s death for political advantage … 18 months before the election … is uncommonly stupid, even as stupid conspiracy theories go. All other objections to the theory aside, the simple and obviously reality is that, if he was going to… Read more »