Author Archives: Brendan

My Man Mitch?

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“Mitch Daniels: serious, adult, not a wingnut, and articulating a lot of conservatism’s good ideas without a lot of its bulls**t. PLEASE RUN.” –me, on Twitter tonight I wish I’d paid more attention to Governor Mitch Daniels when I was living in Indiana during my time at Notre Dame, but I didn’t really care much about state politics because I… Read more »

The Egyptian Revolution

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We can remove the question mark now. The people have spoken, the dictator has (finally) heard them, and Hosni Mubarak has stepped down after three decades as Egypt’s ruler. What happens next? A true move toward some form of democracy, or Military Dictatorship II: Egyptian Boogaloo? Who the hell knows? For now, the protesters are jubilant. I heard a correspondent… Read more »

Giving Obama the green weenie?

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The Wall Street Journal‘s David Wessel looks ahead to Obama’s budget, due Monday, and what it may signify about his approach to the looming debt crisis. (You may recall that I blasted Obama after his State of the Union for timidity vis a vis the debt.) Wessel writes that “when Barack Obama’s budget arrives on Monday, the thoughtful will look… Read more »

Snow, snow, snow

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It snowed again Monday night and Tuesday, and the wind blew a good bit of the white stuff onto our covered front porch, resulting in this pretty scene:


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This won’t really mean much of anything to regular blog readers, but over on Twitter, the quirky little community of mid-major obsessives orbiting The Mid-Majority is having a blast trying to “find” Kyle Whelliston, “Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego”-style, based on hints he’s dropped while hiding from “The Knowledge” (of who won the Super Bowl) during his annual… Read more »

Super Bowl open thread

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I’ll be at a Super Bowl party this afternoon, and likely won’t be doing much live-tweeting (though any tweets I do post will, of course, appear at left), so I’m not going to set up an auto-importing live-blog thingy. But if anyone wants to comment on the game (or the commercials), here’s the place to do it. Go, uh, Packers!… Read more »

Brendan and DU Bally’s Excellent
Above-the-Red-Line Adventure:
Jimmer @ Wyoming, SDSU @ CSU

Well… that was one of the nuttiest things I’ve ever done. But so much fun. Totally worth it. My most memorable basketball experience since BracketBusters 2007. I hope to do a full write-up later. For now, here are two videos, neatly showing the beginning and the end. The first is of DU Bally in Laramie at 6:02 PM, watching the… Read more »

Post-midterm approval ratings: about as meaningful as preseason football polls

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From a FiveThirtyEight post on presidential approval ratings and re-election chances, a nifty chart: “What does this mean for Barack Obama?” Nate Silver asks rhetorically, then answers: Right now, we’re still in the period where the most useful number for estimating his re-election chances is not his approval rating but rather the historical track record of incumbent presidents. … [S]ince… Read more »

What he said.

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At the end of a fantastic column about Egypt, Ross Douthat says something I was trying to say recently, and says it better: The long-term consequences of a more populist and nationalistic Egypt might be better for the United States than the stasis of the Mubarak era, and the terrorism that it helped inspire. But then again they might be… Read more »