Author Archives: Brendan

The Egyptian Revolution?

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I’m not paying nearly enough attention to events in Egypt, but from the tweets I’m seeing here & there, it’s clear that things are pretty damn serious. What I can’t figure out is whether I should be #PANIC!!!-ing (instability!), rejoicing (democracy!), or both. Anyway, here’s a live feed of Al Jazeera English (though it may be shut down soon, apparently).

More SOTU criticism

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Mickey Kaus says it better than me: [Tuesday] night Obama staked “his claim to decades of well-worn political detritus,” writes Ed Kilgore, who accurately notes that the president’s plans “could easily have been harvested from any number of interchangeable speeches given during the last 20 years—not just by presidents but by members of Congress, governors, mayors, and CEOs—from both parties.”… Read more »

The Jimmer Show

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He was epic, as per usual, last night against #4 San Diego State: Yeah, I think I need to go this guy in person. Remember when Becky and I almost impulsively drove from South Bend to Spokane to see Adam Morrison and the Zags? Well, this is sort of like that, except this time, I only have to drive to… Read more »

Brendan & Bally’s Excellent Above-the-Red-Line Adventure?

My original plan for last Saturday evening was not to go see Brian Clancy at the Irish Snug, but rather, to take my parents up to Fort Collins to see #9-ranked BYU, and its superstar Jimmer Fredette, play at Colorado State. Those plans fell through because, wanting to wait and see what the weather would be like for the drive… Read more »

Losing the future

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Curated and elaborated from my Twitter stream, here are some raw, incomplete, somewhat disjointed thoughts on last night’s State of the Union address: After that underwhelming speech, I have little hope for 2011 and, of course, none for 2012. Obama failed to inspire or lead. And so the nation creeps ever closer to its day of fiscal reckoning, with no… Read more »

State of the Union live-tweeting

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Like I said earlier, I’m not sure how much live-tweeting I’ll do during the SOTU tonight. But to the extent I do tweet it — and also, to the extent Becky tweets it — our tweets will appear in the CiL window below. You can join in the conversation by tweeting something “@brendanloy” (or “@MileHighBecky“); those reply tweets, too, will… Read more »

Let me be clear: it’s an open thread

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Twas the night before SOTU, and all through the House Not a member was stirring, not even to grouse. The prompters were hung ‘fore the podium with care In hopes that Obama soon would be there. The partisans, nestled all snug in their beds, dreamed of cross-the-aisle prom dates to enhance #NewTone cred. And Bachmann, the wingnut, and Boehner, the… Read more »

The bleedin’ pub’s on fire!

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This evening, I went with my parents (who are in town visiting), Kristy and V to hear Brian Clancy, a local Irish pub singer — no relation to the Clancies of Makem/Clancy fame, though he sings a lot of their stuff — sing at the Irish Snug. During his second set, he sang “The Old Dun Cow,” a very funny… Read more »

Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Pawlenty, Barbour, Daniels… and 13 others

Two years to the day before America either inaugurates a new president or re-inaugurates the current one (or, you know, fails to inaugurate anybody due to the declaration of martial law amid the post-apocalyptic nightmare following the End of the World in 2012), Larry Sabato offers some political junkie porn in the form of 19 — count ’em, 19 —… Read more »

This blog post is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters OMG

For those without the time or patience to listen to today’s podcast episode to learn our “news,” I suppose I’ll come out and say it: Becky and I are expecting Baby Loy #3 in July!!! Specifically, on July 8 — the very same date that Loyacita was due back in 2009 (though she was born five days late). We don’t… Read more »