Author Archives: Brendan

leoghann: This is your la…

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@leoghann: This is your last chance. You take the blue pill – the story ends. You take the red pill, and you get #allthetostitos.

RoyBurton: What they’re s…

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@RoyBurton: What they’re saying at Auburn tonight: Cam Newton is worth every penny and #AllTheTostitos.

comedyminusone: "Let…

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@comedyminusone: “Let’s win this game for #allthetostitos that never had a chance to get here.” – Merle Webb

Randy Styles wins LRT Bowl Pick ’em

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Randy Styles of South Bend, Indiana won the 6th annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest on Monday as Auburn beat Oregon for the BCS national championship. Styles, a.k.a. “wolfmanbc,” finishes with 45 out of a possible 60 points, and a 25-10 prediction record. Remarkably, when New Year’s Day dawned, Styles was just 12-10, but he was perfect in… Read more »

AndyGlockner: "You w…

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@AndyGlockner: “You want #allthetostitos? YOU CAN’T HANDLE #ALLTHETOSTITOS!!!”

Davey_Hamilton: "The…

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@Davey_Hamilton: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t have #allthetostitos“