Author Archives: Brendan

TheSplenda wins LRT Election Contest

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A Democratic concession today in Texas’s 27th congressional district brought the GOP’s net gain in the House to a minimum of 62 seats — and thereby clinched victory for TheSplenda in the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest. TheSplenda narrowly edges out Kevin Curran (kcatnd) and John Presper (Joe Mama) by a single point, presently 107 to 106… Read more »

Best. Friday. Ever.

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Football-wise, at least. Stewart Mandel explains: Please tell all those economic experts who chart stuff not to freak out if America’s spending is down this Black Friday. A whole lot of folks are going to be inside, glued to the tube. When the television schedules were set last summer, no one could have predicted that the nation’s top three teams… Read more »


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Hey, look! It’s an actual blog post (not a tweet) by me (not a guestblogger) about college football (not University of Denver basketball)! WHEEE!!! And it has a nerdy, Harry Potter-themed, SAT analogy-based title! About that title… what I mean is not that TCU is the personification of good and Stanford the personification of evil (although…), but rather that, in… Read more »

Remember, Mommy, I’m off to get a commie…

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Inspired by Daniel Radcliffe’s shout-out to Tom Lehrer, I posted video of “We Will All Go Together When We Go” earlier. But actually, that’s only my second-favorite Lehrer ditty about nuclear war. Here’s #1 — “So Long Mom”:

Daniel Radcliffe is a Tom Lehrer fan

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Ha! I love it! Perhaps in the climactic scene of Deathly Hallows Part II, he’ll take some liberties with the script, and sing “We Will All Go Together When We Go” to Voldemort. (Hat tip: Jezebel, via @SaraLang.)