Author Archives: Brendan

From the archives: How the LRT covered the last GOP wave

One of the neat things about deciding last year to name my blog “The Living Room Times,” and link it to my middle- and high-school newspaper of that name from 1993 through 1999, is that it effectively extended the institutional memory of this enterprise back more than an extra decade-and-a-half, allowing me to occasionally draw from some really old archives…. Read more »

The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 5: Obama Dreamed a Dream

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Happy November, everyone! It’s our big Election Eve podcast, previewing tomorrow’s midterms and looking ahead to what the Tea Party might do afterward. Also discussed: my crappy birthday, Halloween in Stapleton (yes, that’s our pumpkin at right), and our babysitting co-op, among other topics. But really, all you need to know is that this podcast features the world premiere of… Read more »


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Here’s loyal LRT reader Jim Kelly, representin’ #PANIC!!! at the Colbert & Stewart Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear‎ on Saturday (my birthday): Heh!

Halloween at the Loys’

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Yes, the jack-o-lantern at left says “VOTE OR DIE.” All credit to Becky on that — indeed, on both of our awesome jack-o-lanterns. Anyway, here are some shots of trick-or-treaters coming to our door. Between 5:00 PM and roughly 7:45 PM, we gave away more than 1,100 pieces of candy. And we could have given away several hundred more, if… Read more »

Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

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Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest! As always with LRT/ contests, it’s free to enter. So, political junkies: put your… Read more »

Cam Newton’s Heisman moment

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In case you missed it live Saturday (I did)… Mandatory snarky comment: Man, look at those amazing SEC defenses!!! It’s a WAR!!! But seriously, Cam Newton is a rather good football player.

The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 4: There Is Always Hope

Is there a solution to the Higher Education Bubble? Do journalism graduates going into a dying industry have any chance of paying off six figures’ worth of student loan debt? Is there any escaping the Liberal Thought Police that ensnared Juan Williams, or the Conservative Outrage Machine that wants to defund NPR? Will the Democrats do better than expected in… Read more »