Author Archives: Brendan

Warrior Dash, before & after

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No comments from the peanut gallery on my t-shirt being a symbol of USC’s “dirty” program, please. 🙂 Oh, and about those hand-prints on Becky’s bra? I’d love to take credit, but they’re totally not mine! My hands are way bigger. 😛 They’re actually hers. I’m not sure what inspired her to grab her own boobs… I guess that’s just… Read more »

MWC’s new friends

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If you’ve been following the Mountain West-WAC drama of recent days, you really need to check out the Mountain West’s Facebook feed. (What’s below is just a small sample.) Funny stuff.

Independent BYU would have virtually no BCS shot

It’s been a crazy day for conference realignment, and I mean really, really crazy — we’ve been through basically the entire cycle of the Pac-16 / Big 12 drama, except with the mid-majors, and in the course of like 12 hours instead of a week-plus. Absolutely insane. I don’t know how it will all shake out, but I just want… Read more »

The right wing’s endless culture war on “lazy” people

My tweet importer thingy, which depends on the increasingly unreliable FriendFeed, has been up and down, but I just a series of posted tweets that I wanted to reproduce here. WARNING: Rant ahead. Contains some salty language. Proceed at your own risk. The tweets were inspired by this article, in which Glenn Beck reveals himself, once again, to be a… Read more »

Letting the terrorists win

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Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson on the “Ground Zero mosque”: How precisely is our cause served by treating the construction of a non-radical mosque in Lower Manhattan as the functional equivalent of defiling a grave? It assumes a civilizational conflict instead of defusing it. Symbolism is indeed important in the war against terrorism. But a mosque that rejects radicalism is not… Read more »

Reminder: Planets & Perseids tonight!

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The next 24 hours are going to be a real treat for sky-watchers. First, this evening, the Moon and three planets — Venus, Mars and Saturn — will line up for a quadruple conjunction in the western sky. NASA writes: The show begins at sundown when Venus, Saturn, Mars and the crescent Moon pop out of the western twilight in… Read more »

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?

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Jeffrey Goldberg, writing the cover story of next month’s Atlantic, newly online today, gives us something new — well, not new, but something newly revived — to #PANIC!!!! about: Israel attacking Iran in the near future. Outlining the scenario that he envisions potentially unfolding, Goldberg writes: When the Israelis begin to bomb the uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz, the formerly secret… Read more »

Bennet and Maes

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As I tweeted earlier, I suspect that I may be the only person who attended both the Bennet for Senate victory party and the Maes for Governor victory party in Denver tonight. There certainly can’t be much crossover between the two candidates, in terms of supporters… and reporters would have been assigned to one or the other. As for me,… Read more »